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10-Year Old Austrian Boy Raped By Iraqi Refugee Due To "Sexual Emergency"

10-Year Old Austrian Boy Raped By Iraqi Refugee Due To "Sexual Emergency"

Someone didn’t read the refugee pool rules cartoon.

As you might have heard, quite a few of the millions of asylum seekers that have inundated Western Europe are having a rather difficult time adjusting. Specifically, there seems to be some confusion about pool etiquette.

Last month, Bornheim - a town of 48,000 some 30 km south of Cologne, Germany - banned adult male asylum seekers from the public swimming pool after numerous reports of sexual harassment and “chatting up” - whatever that means.

The Global Rise Of Biometric ID Cards

The use of biometric national identity cards, using rfid chip technology, is continuing to grow around the world.  One man has recently become the very first person able to board a plane due to an rfid chip implanted into his hand. reports: Around the world there are various endeavors in many countries which are seeking to promote rfid technology and biometric identification. According to a report in 2014 by Acuity Market Intelligence, it was estimated that in five years, roughly half of the world population will be registered with national biometric identification cards.

German Spy Agency Says ISIS Sending Fighters Disguised As Refugees

The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV) has said that ISIS militants may have slipped into Europe disguised as refugees.  Hans-Georg Maasse says that the Paris terror attacks last November proves that ISIS are capable of planting terrorist in Europe, and has warned that there are many more that are yet to be discovered. reports: “Then we have repeatedly seen that terrorists … have slipped in camouflaged or disguised as refugees. This is a fact that the security agencies are facing,” Maassen told ZDF television.

UK Government To Fine Homeless People £1,000 For Sleeping Rough

Homeless people in London could be fined £1,000 for sleeping rough, under tough new rules introduced by a London council.  Despite the fact that the homeless are unlikely to have the funds to pay the fines, Hackney Council have introduced Public Space Protection Orders which bans people from sleeping in public spaces. reports: Homelessness charities have condemned the move, saying that it turns rough sleepers – who are often escaping lives of abuse – into criminals.
