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The Legal System Is Failing America When It Comes To Immigration

The Legal System Is Failing America When It Comes To Immigration

Authored by Scott Greer via The Daily Caller,

The illegal immigrant who fired the gun shot that killed Kate Steinle was able to beat a murder charge this week.

Jose Garcia Zarate, a five-time deportee from Mexico and convicted felon, walked away with only a gun conviction after his legal team convinced the jury their client accidentally fired a gun three times and had no intent of killing anyone.

How Government Created the Myth of Adolescence and the Terrible Consequences

Via The Daily Bell

Why are teens so angsty and rebellious? Because they are biologically adults, being treated like children.

Jane Addams likely had good intentions when in the early 20th century she helped create the juvenile justice system and laws against child labor. But fast forward to present day and her influence on how society treats young adults has disastrous effects on young individuals and society at large.

In Major Victory For Trump, Senate Passes "Sweeping" Tax Bill Which Nobody Read: Here's What's In It

In Major Victory For Trump, Senate Passes "Sweeping" Tax Bill Which Nobody Read: Here's What's In It

Shortly before 2am on Saturday, the Senate passed "the most sweeping rewrite of the U.S. tax code in three decades, slashing the corporate tax rate and providing temporary tax-rate cuts for most Americans" handing Republicans a badly needed legislative and political victory. Senators voted across party lines in a 51-49 vote, ending days of debate and "hand wringing" as leadership worked frantically behind the scenes to win over holdouts and get the proposal in line with the chamber’s rules.

Chinese Researchers Experiment With Anti-Gay Spray

Chinese Researchers Experiment With Anti-Gay Spray

Around mid-November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a shocking report detailing China’s gay conversion problem.

Powerful first-hand accounts expose how state-owned hospitals are using electric shock machines and medication to convert gays back to some form of 'normalcy'. The practice is an open secret in China, where a majority of gays are forced by their families into hospitals, because the culture labels it as a curable-disease.

Democratic Campaign Tells Voters Not To Vote For A Man (Because He Has A Penis)

Democratic Campaign Tells Voters Not To Vote For A Man (Because He Has A Penis)

Authord by Alex Thomas via,

Despite losing the 2016 election largely because the Democrat Party refused to move away from divisive identity based politics they have apparently not learned their lesson, with at least one powerful female Democrat deciding to piggyback off the wave of sexual assault allegations sweeping the country by openly telling Michigan voters to vote for her because she is a women.
