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Social Issues

Europe Burns: Politicians Fan The Flames As Citizens Revolt

Citizens in Norway and the Netherlands, including men, women and children, voiced their anger at the current invasion of Europe by terrorists posing as ‘asylum seekers’.  Demonstrations in Norway were peaceful until local authorities enacted emergency legislation allowing for the police to use ‘any means necessary’ to disperse and pacify the crowd. The result was a united defence of their country, family and for greater Europe.

The Vile Charlie Hebdo

The French satirical journal has hit a new low, mocking a dead child:

The father of drowned Syrian toddler Alan Kurdi has told how he wept upon seeing a cartoon that mocked up his son as one of the migrant sex attackers in Cologne.

Abdullah Kurdi, whose son made front pages around the world when he died trying to reach Greece from Turkey last year, said the boy’s remaining family were “still in shock” after Charlie Hebdo printed the controversial image.

Blackpool Council Approves Plan To Fluoridate School Milk

Blackpool council has approved plans to add fluoride to school milk. More than 8,000 primary schoolchildren will soon be given fluoridated milk intended to help tackle “poor dental health” despite all the damning evidence showing how dangerous the poison fluoride is. Ingesting fluoride has adverse health affects, and it is simply not true that drinking it helps to prevent tooth decay. The move is part of the town’s free school breakfast scheme and parents will be able to opt out of allowing their children to be given the drink.
