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Europe Burns: Politicians Fan The Flames As Citizens Revolt

Citizens in Norway and the Netherlands, including men, women and children, voiced their anger at the current invasion of Europe by terrorists posing as ‘asylum seekers’.  Demonstrations in Norway were peaceful until local authorities enacted emergency legislation allowing for the police to use ‘any means necessary’ to disperse and pacify the crowd. The result was a united defence of their country, family and for greater Europe. Meanwhile in the Netherlands violence erupted after riot police attempted to disperse a 1,000-strong crowd who were protesting against the opening of a refugee center in the town of Heesch. Do these scenes represent the beginning of a revolution in Europe? reports: Protesters shot fireworks and threw flares at riot police who attempted to disperse a crowd of an estimated 1,000 people marching on the local town hall. The protesters took to the streets as officials held a meeting on Monday to discuss plans of accommodating some 500 refugees over the next 10 years. Far right activists tried to storm the local government headquarters, forcing local officials to abandon their scheduled debate and evacuate the premises. The town “had given police extra powers” after a “demonstration ran out of control,”said a message from the [...]