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WHO Admits That Smallpox Vaccine Created AIDS/HIV

The London Times wrote an article in 1987 that linked the smallpox vaccine to the deadly spread of AIDS in the 1980’s. In the article (republished below) it is admitted that the World Health Organisation (WHO) led a huge campaign aimed at “eradicating smallpox” but may have also been responsible for awakening what we know today to be the HIV virus. Smallpox vaccine ‘triggered Aids virus’ The Aids epidemic may have been triggered by the mass vaccination campaign which eradicated smallpox.

"The Rapes! The Riots!": Trump Blasts Merkel's Immigration Policy

Europe’s worsening refugee crisis is in many ways the best thing that could have happened to Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign.

Last summer, the brazen billionaire kicked off his run for the White House by taking aim at America’s broken immigration policy. Trump painted a picture of an impossibly porous Mexican border across which stream hordes of drug dealers and rapists who poison American society and bleed the economy dry.

Rubio’s Opportunism on Immigration Is Coming Back to Haunt Him

Politico reports on Bush’s vendetta with Rubio:

But Florida Republicans in both camps tell a different story, one of an elder statesman who, after waiting eight years to run for president, viewed his younger protégé’s decision to challenge him for the GOP nomination after one term in the senate as an affront—and of personal enmity that’s deepened as Rubio has risen to the top of the field while Bush has sunk.

Jews Told Not To Wear The Kippa After Machete Attack At Marseille Synagogue

Jews Told Not To Wear The Kippa After Machete Attack At Marseille Synagogue

Last week, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker received a raucous tongue-lashing on social media after suggesting that it is German women’s collective responsibility to prevent sexual assaults by remaining an “arm’s length” away from would-be assailants.

Reker’s remarks came as the international media suddenly woke up to the string of sexual assaults that allegedly took place in Cologne’s city center during New Year’s Eve celebrations. The incidents purportedly involved gangs of “Arabs” harassing and groping German women during the festivities.

The Arrests Begin: Sweden Police Scramble To Respond To Refugee Sex Assault Coverup

The Arrests Begin: Sweden Police Scramble To Respond To Refugee Sex Assault Coverup

On Monday, we brought you “Massive Coverup Exposed In Sweden As Media, Cops Hid Migrant Sex Attacks” in which we detailed an evolving story out of Stockholm where police and some members of the media stand accused of covering up a wave of sexual assaults that allegedly occurred at a festival in August of last year.

According to Nyheter Idag‎, a reporter for the prominent daily Dagens Nyheter had an opportunity to talk with police about the attacks but ultimately shied away from the story when it became apparent that many of the accused were migrants.
