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The Inconvenience of Rapey Refugees

Well, well, well: Deutsche Welle reports something ‘politically awkward':

City authorities identified some suspects in the Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks as asylum seekers from Syria, detaining or questioning some of them, according to reports by local newspaper “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” and national daily “Die Welt,” which published an online preview of investigations by its “Welt am Sonntag” Sunday paper.

"Ms. Merkel Invited Me": Refugee Sex Assaults Reported In Finland, Switzerland, Austria

On Thursday, we got what appears to be confirmation that the “hundreds” of suspects involved in a series of sexual assaults on German women were largely of Arab origin. According to German media, many of the men were asylum seekers who had recently entered the country from the war-torn Mid-East.

The assaults occurred in the city center in Cologne, where eyewitnesses and victims say groups of marauding New Year’s revelers accosted women, in some instances making off with their belongings. Attacks were also reported in Hamburg, and Stuttgart.

Trump and the “Humane Values” of the GOP

Michael Gerson can’t stand the idea of a Trump nomination:

Many Republicans could not vote for Trump but would have a horribly difficult time voting for Clinton. The humane values of Republicanism [bold mine-DL] would need to find a temporary home, which would necessitate the creation of a third party. This might help elect Clinton, but it would preserve something of conservatism, held in trust, in the hope of better days.

The "Monsters" Unmasked: Cologne Police Admit "Most Of The Attackers Were Refugees"

This week, many German citizens were appalled to hear the details of what allegedly occurred on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

According to eyewitness accounts and a number of apparent victims, hundreds of “Arab or North African” men engaged in coordinated sexual assaults and robberies across Germany with attacks reported in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart.

Cologne Mayor Slammed For Telling German Women It Is Their Responsibility To Keep Rapists At "Arm's Length"

Earlier today, we brought you an eyewitness account of the melee that unfolded in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve.

Allegedly, hundreds of 18-35 year-old males “of Arab and North African origin” robbed and sexually assaulted women gathered in the city center. Assaults were also reported in Hamburg and Stuttgart. Authorities are attempting to discern if there's a connection.
