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Editor Apologizes For Running "White Death" Opinion Piece

Editor Apologizes For Running "White Death" Opinion Piece

Authored by Rob Shimshock via The Daily Caller,

An editor for a student paper apologized for an op-ed a student journalist asserted that “white death will mean liberation for all,” according to a Wednesday report.

Rudy Martinez, a Texas State University student journalist for The University Star, wrote an article entitled “Your DNA Is An Abomination,” referring to the DNA of white people, reported The College Fix.

Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Over the past couple of years, Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. Not surprisingly, the massive wave of Muslim migrants has become a political hot topic, particularly in countries like Germany, U.K., France, Italy and Sweden which have taken in a combined total of nearly 3 million migrants over just the past couple of years.  Per the Pew Research Center (PRC):

Surveillance State: Stanford Researchers Use AI To Determine Neighborhood's Bias By Its Cars

Surveillance State: Stanford Researchers Use AI To Determine Neighborhood's Bias By Its Cars

A team of researchers at Stanford University have trained artificial intelligence algorithms to observe and study millions of images on Google Street View to determine how people vote by the make of their car. The algorithms were trained to recognize the make, model, and year of every car produced since 1990, in more than 50 million Google Street View images across 200 American cities.

Campus Newspaper Editorial: "Your [White] DNA Is An Abomination"

Campus Newspaper Editorial: "Your [White] DNA Is An Abomination"

Authored by Lauren Cooley via The Washington Examiner,

A new opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper tells white students, “Your DNA is an Abomination.”

“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered - whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friend, police officers, et cetera - there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” student author Rudy Martinez writes in the University Star.
