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George Responds To Hungary's "Massive Anti-Soros Propaganda Effort"

George Responds To Hungary's "Massive Anti-Soros Propaganda Effort"

Over the past several months we've frequently noted the devolving relationship between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and billionaire financier George Soros.  Tensions escalated last month when Orban took it upon himself to mail a Soros-related questionnaire to all 8 million Hungarian voters (see: Hungary Launches Anti-Soros Political Campaign) and then followed that up with an announcement that Hungary's intelligence services had been instructed to "map" Soros' network of influence.

MSNBC Guest Exclaims "White Men Pose The Biggest Threat To Americans" After FBI Report On 'Black Extremists'

Jamira Burley appeared on “MSNBC Live” Saturday, claiming that white men "pose the biggest threat to Americans every single day."

As The Daily Caller's Justin Caruso details, in a segment about the Justice Department looking at “Black Identity Extremist” groups, Burley said:

The Great Retirement Con

The Great Retirement Con

Authored by Adam Taggart via,

Frankly put: retirement is now a myth for the majority...


The Origins Of The Retirement Plan

Back during the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress promised a monthly lifetime income to soldiers who fought and survived the conflict. This guaranteed income stream, called a "pension", was again offered to soldiers in the Civil War and every American war since.
