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Kentucky Teachers Blast Pension Reform Plan; Warn That 401(k) Plans Will "Dismantle Public Education"

Kentucky Teachers Blast Pension Reform Plan; Warn That 401(k) Plans Will "Dismantle Public Education"

Graves County Superintendent Kim Dublin in Kentucky is apparently concerned that forcing her teachers to accept the same retirement plans offered to almost every private sector employee in the country would literally "dismantle public education" as we know it.

Speaking to a local NBC affiliate in Kentucky, Dublin told reporters that she relies on the excessive generosity of Kentucky taxpayers to underwrite her state's lavish defined benefit plans that she uses as a recruiting tool to attract the 'best talent'.

"It's Not Sustainable" - Sacramento Lashes Out At Calpers After Raising Pension Payments

"It's Not Sustainable" - Sacramento Lashes Out At Calpers After Raising Pension Payments

In the latest sign that America’s looming pension crisis is inching closer to an all-our collapse that will inevitably end in a series of bailouts – or worse, the failure to pay out retiree’s coveted benefits - a handful of California cities are lashing out at CALPers after being forced to hike pension contributions to offset expectations for long-term returns that have been revised lower by the state pension system.

This Is The Huge Anti-Trump Protest That Was Organized By... The Russians

From November 2016...

Protesters demonstrating against the election of Donald Trump made their voices heard again Saturday - taking to the streets of New York for the fourth straight day. A crowd of over 5,000 people gathered in Union Square around noon, their ranks rapidly growing and spilling out of the park.


Hand-drawn signs floated above the crowd, carrying messages like “Love Trumps Hate,” “Unacceptable,” and “Dump Trump.”


