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Social Issues

Prostitution, Free Speech, and a Veteran Memorial: 3 Interesting Court Cases

Via The Daily Bell

Let’s Not Pick and Choose Our Freedoms

Prostitution has been illegal in California for 145 years. But for the first time, judges appear to be considering overturning the law.

In the past, challenges to the law have been outright dismissed. But now judges have agreed to take a closer look at the California law.

“Why should it be illegal to sell something that it’s legal to give away?” A judge asked in court.

Why You Need to Stop Writing Articles That Tell Me To Stop Doing Things

Via The Daily Bell

Have you seen these types of articles? They say, “Why You Need To Stop…” and then fill in the personal preference of the author. They tell you all the things you need to stop doing in order to be a politically correct, castrated, unimposing social automaton.

Why You Need to Stop Reading Barstool Sports. It’s because the author is offended by barstool sports, and thinks it is a legitimate news source as opposed to entertainment. It is a call to boycott the toxic masculinity they promote.

White Supremacist Leader Mike Enoch Staging Deep State Operation in Tennessee?

White Supremacist Leader Mike Enoch Staging Deep State Operation in Tennessee?

originally published by Alt-right Exposed

Deep State Linked Neo-Nazi Groups Descend on Small Towns to “Vent Anger”

[Mike “Enoch” Peinovich]

The “White Lives Matter”events will be attended by a group of literal Neo-Nazi groups, including the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and Anticom, who’s members have discussed bombing federal buildings and massacring protesters.
