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How Obamacare Fuels The Obesity Epidemic

How Obamacare Fuels The Obesity Epidemic

Authored by Duane Norman via Free Market Shooter blog,

Recently, the CDC announced that America has made a new high; not in the stock market, but in obesity rates:

A troubling new report released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that almost 40 percent of American adults and nearly 20 percent of adolescents are obese — the highest rates ever recorded for the U.S.

"I'm Going To Work Until I Die": A Look At How Unprepared Boomers Are For Retirement

"I'm Going To Work Until I Die": A Look At How Unprepared Boomers Are For Retirement

Authored by Patrick Watson via Mauldin Economics,

Wall Street endlessly gushes about retirement. Its TV commercials show how wonderful life will be in our golden years—when we are old, yet still healthy and wealthy enough to go hang-gliding every day.

Meanwhile, out here in the real world, most working-age Americans don’t want to talk or even think about retirement. Often this is because they know they aren't saving enough and probably will have to work until they drop dead.

Nordstrom Plunges After Suspending 'Going-Private' Explorations

Nordstrom Plunges After Suspending 'Going-Private' Explorations

Nordstrom shares are tumbling uin the pre-open (down over 5% to 3-month lows) as the company temporarily suspends its explorations for going-private, citing "difficulties in obtaining debt financing."

As Bloomberg reports, Nordstrom family plans to continue efforts after holiday season with management set to maintain focus on execution of business plan for year-end period.

And the result is the erasure of all post-rumor-gains and then some...
