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Indiana AG: NFL Players Should Take A Stand... Against Black-On-Black Crime

Indiana AG: NFL Players Should Take A Stand... Against Black-On-Black Crime

Authored by Curtis Hill, Atorney General of Indiana, via The Daily Caller,

The right to protest doesn’t necessarily mean that the protest is right.

While the NFL kneeling saga continues, it is becoming less clear what the kneeling is about.

When it began last season, the kneeling was a protest against alleged police brutality and the incidence of blacks killed by police.

Bernie To Americans: "Sure, You'll All Pay More Taxes... But You'll Get More Free Stuff"

Bernie To Americans: "Sure, You'll All Pay More Taxes... But You'll Get More Free Stuff"

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the runner-up for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president in 2016, told an audience on CNN Wednesday night that Americans would be happy to pay more in federal income taxes if he could just explain to them it would mean they’ll get more “free” government benefits, including health care, child care and college.

Staggering Chart Shows Your Personal Share Of Your State's Underfunded Pension

Staggering Chart Shows Your Personal Share Of Your State's Underfunded Pension

Back in March we shared the staggering results of a Bankrate survey which found that the average American household couldn't afford to write a measly $500 check in the event of an unexpected emergency (see: "The Reality Is, Half Of Americans Can’t Afford To Write A $500 Check").  Of course, as we note frequently, while the talking heads of daytime financial TV shows love to reference surging economic indicators like unemployment figures, the fact is that the number of Americans not participating in the work force remains near all-time highs and wage growth, despite "full employment" levels,

Trump Plans Massive Increase In Federal Immigration Jails, Report

Trump Plans Massive Increase In Federal Immigration Jails, Report

Following a 43% year over year surge in illegal immigrant arrests between January 22, 2017 and September 9, 2017, the USA Today is reporting that the Trump administration is quietly reaching out to private prison operators with requests to house some 4,000 detainees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).

The Trump administration is planning an increase in federal immigration jails across the country for the thousands of additional undocumented immigrants its agents are arresting.

