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Paul Craig Roberts Warns Americans: "Oligarchic Rule Prevails Regardless Of Electoral Outcomes"

Paul Craig Roberts Warns Americans: "Oligarchic Rule Prevails Regardless Of Electoral Outcomes"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Do the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page editors read their own newspaper?

The frontpage headline story for the Labor Day weekend was “Low Wage Growth Challenges Fed.” Despite an alleged 4.4% unemployment rate, which is full employment, there is no real growth in wages. The front page story pointed out correctly that an economy alleged to be expanding at full employment, but absent any wage growth or inflation, is “a puzzle that complicates Federal Reserve policy decisions.”

BUSTED: Librarian Who Rejected Melania’s ‘Racist' Dr. Seuss Gift Outed As Total Hypocrite

BUSTED: Librarian Who Rejected Melania’s ‘Racist' Dr. Seuss Gift Outed As Total Hypocrite

Content originally published at

A snarky elitist librarian from Cambridge, Mass. responded to First Lady Melania Trump’s gift of Dr. Seuss books with a condescending screed about how Dr. Seuss is racist – recommending Mrs. Trump should instead gift the (racist) books to underprivileged children.
