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BUSTED: Librarian Who Rejected Melania’s ‘Racist' Dr. Seuss Gift Outed As Total Hypocrite

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A snarky elitist librarian from Cambridge, Mass. responded to First Lady Melania Trump’s gift of Dr. Seuss books with a condescending screed about how Dr. Seuss is racist – recommending Mrs. Trump should instead gift the (racist) books to underprivileged children.

Liz Phipps Soeiro turned down the collection of nearly a dozen books, telling the First Lady that her elementary school was ‘award-winning’ and ‘well-funded,’ before adding ‘You may not be aware of this, but Dr Seuss is a bit of a cliché, a tired and worn ambassador for children’s literature. 

‘Another fact that many people are unaware of is that Dr Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes.

‘Open one of his books (If I Ran a Zoo or And to Think That I Saw it On Mulberry Street, for example), and you’ll see the racist mockery in his art.’

Oh no she didn't...

Within hours of Soeiro’s statements, internet sleuths dug up photos of the rabid liberal educator decked out as the Cat in the Hat in 2015 to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday, leading some to speculate it's the reason she deleted her Twitter account, @reflectlibrary.



Melania responds

In response to Soeiro's rejection and letter, Melania Trump said the librarian's response was 'unfortunate,' adding that she wanted to use her platform 'to help as many children as she can.'

'To turn the gesture of sending young students some books into something divisive is unfortunate.' -First lady Melania Trump's office

Racist Michelle Obama

People were also quick to point out that first lady Michelle Obama has read the 'racist' books to children for years.


Last but not least – looks like professor hypocrite is also the creator of an anti-Trump t-shirt which says “Read Write Resist,” who says she designed the shirt “in response to our current political climate as a reminder of the power of information and the power of the people.”



Epic fail.


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