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House Passes Budget, Jumps First (Smallest) Hurdle Towards Tax Reform

House Passes Budget, Jumps First (Smallest) Hurdle Towards Tax Reform

The House passed its 2018 budget resolution Thursday (with 18 Reps voting against) crossing the first threshold toward its goal of sending tax reform legislation to President Trump.

As WaPo reports, the House budget resolution includes major spending cuts demanded by the party's conservative wing, but the party's focus is now on passing a tax bill that could add as much as $1.5 trillion to the budget deficit. Special procedures set out in the legislation would ultimately allow Republicans to pass the bill over a potential Democratic filibuster in the Senate.

Anna Bono: "There's No Future For Africans In Europe"

Anna Bono: "There's No Future For Africans In Europe"


An exclusive interview with Anna Bono.

Prof. Anna Bono has been a researcher in African history and institutions at the University of Turin until 2015 after living many years in Africa. She has collaborated as an expert on Africa with a number of Universities and Institutions, including the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and written over 1600 articles, essays and books on topics such as international relations and cooperation with Africa, as well as demographics and migrations.

Stanford Says Soaring Public Pension Costs Devastating Budgets For Education And Social Services

Stanford Says Soaring Public Pension Costs Devastating Budgets For Education And Social Services

A new study from Joe Nation of Stanford's Institute for Economic Policy Research entitled "Pension Math: Public Pension Spending and Service Crowd Out in California, 2003-2030," says that the devastating consequences of the ill-advised, Cadillac pensions doled out to America's public employees over the past several decades are only getting started. 

"It Won't Pass" - Larry Fink, Warren Buffett Blast Trump's Tax Reform Plan

"It Won't Pass" - Larry Fink, Warren Buffett Blast Trump's Tax Reform Plan

In the week that’s passed since the White House unveiled its tax-reform plan, Republicans and Democrats have expressed their reservations about the proposal, particularly after an analysis from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center suggested that taxes would rise over the coming ten years for most members of the middle class if the proposal were passed into law.

Tax The Rich

Even though I have said this before apparently no one was listening so I have to say it again* because every time a new tax reform bill is proposed, the same clichés are trotted out and most of them are wrong. The purveyors of these clichés know they are wrong but they don’t care because they are trying to manipulate you to their ends. And, people fall for them.

Here is what the polls say about what Americans think about taxes (Gallup, Pew Research): 
