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Howard Dean Actually Said This...

Yesterday we posted an epic rant from Mike Rowe on 'logical fallacies' entitled "Mike Rowe Eviscerates "Smug" Snowflake Who Calls Him A 'White Nationalist'".  To summarize, Rowe responded to a Facebook follower who tried to argue that his position asserting that maybe not every high school kid in America needs a $200,000 BA in anthropology essentially proved that he was a "white nationalist."  Can't you see the logic flow?

Now, we have another great example of a logical fallacy presented by former DNC Chair Howard goes something like this:

Dallas Fed's Kaplan Says America Needs More Immigrants to Fill 'Skills Gap'

Dallas Fed's Kaplan Says America Needs More Immigrants to Fill 'Skills Gap'

Content originally published at


According to Dallas Fed's Kaplan, America has an over abundance of jobs and needs to attract wanton amount of migrants in order to fill the insatiable demand for cheap labor, aka 'skills gap.'

While on one hand, Kaplan ceded to the notion that globalization was a primary reason for price deflation and stagnant growth, he also blamed America's aging demographics for lackluster growth.

Greece Hit By Sudden Surge In Refugees - Did Erdogan Break EU-Turkey Immigration Deal?

Greece Hit By Sudden Surge In Refugees - Did Erdogan Break EU-Turkey Immigration Deal?

As tensions soar between Ankara and Berlin, following Germany's angry response to Erdogan's call for those of Turkish descent to vote against Merkel, a coincidentally huge wave of refugees has suddenly started appearing on Greek coasts, making some wonder if Erdogan has broken his EU-Immigration deal.

The last six days have seen over 1,200 refugees and migrants arrive Greece from Turkey.

New Arrivals:

Visualizing The Countries Most And Least Accepting Of Migrants

Visualizing The Countries Most And Least Accepting Of Migrants

According to new research from Gallup, many countries on the frontlines of Europe's migration crisis are among the least-accepting countries worldwide for migrants.

Statista's Nial McCarthy notes that the research found that Macedonia, Montenegro, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Croatia which are all along the Balkan route for asylum seekers recorded the lowest scores for accepting migrants.

You will find more statistics at Statista

Hartford Bankruptcy Looms As CT Gov Admits "We Spent Money On Wrong Things"

Hartford Bankruptcy Looms As CT Gov Admits "We Spent Money On Wrong Things"

Connecticut Governor Daniel Malloy is among the country’s least popular governors after forcing through two tax hikes that sent individuals and corporations fleeing from the state. Luckily for the state and its people, Malloy apparently has no interest in sticking around to take the heat when it comes time for the next hike: He has announced that he will not seek a third term.
