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S&P 500

"Traders Have Lost Confidence In Their Ability To Trade"

"Traders Have Lost Confidence In Their Ability To Trade"

The markets have a bigger structural problem than just what to make of the ineptitude centered on how the health-care bill was handled. Even though this issue will only get worse when it fully sinks in - that the chances of it leading to some new brand of bi-partisan cooperation got less rather than more - Bloomberg's Richard Breslow warns the finger-pointing and gloating don’t leave much room for optimism.

SocGen Reveals The Best Trading Strategy Of The Year

SocGen Reveals The Best Trading Strategy Of The Year

Despite the recent modest drop in stocks, the S&P remains just shy of all time highs, and near valuations which according to Goldman are at nosebleed levels and which market participants recently admitted are the most overvalued since 2000. Furthermore, with the market seemingly finding itself painfully rangebound in a world where until recently volatility was non-existent, traders desperate for alpha, have been scrambling for a strategy that produces a steady stream of profits.
