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S&P 500

Gundlach Was Right About The Short Squeeze; Warns Of "Massive Anxiety" About The Market

Gundlach Was Right About The Short Squeeze; Warns Of "Massive Anxiety" About The Market

Jeff Gundlach has reason to celebrate: as of today, his DoubleLine capital, founded less than 7 years ago, now manages $100 billion in assets, a key milestone for the fund - recall that Pimco's Total Return Fund made major headline when it sunk under $100 billion just last September. As Reuters reports, the DoubleLine open-end mutual funds collectively posted a net inflow of $1.48 billion in May, bringing the 2016 net inflow to $9.05 billion.

Dismal Global Data Sparks VIXtermination-Driven Ramp To S&P 2,100

Dismal Global Data Sparks VIXtermination-Driven Ramp To S&P 2,100

As if by magic, a boring Beige Book was all the algos needed to slam VIX and lift stocks to the magical unicorn level of 2,100 for the S&P 500... Because why not dump protection ahead of OPEC, ECB, and Payrolls - makes perfect sense really...Sadly, the machines just couldn;' hold it there for the close


Simply put, today's ubiquitous V-shape recovery in stocks is yet another example of the only way to win...
