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S&P 500

Stocks Just Triggered Another Bear Market Warning

Stocks Just Triggered Another Bear Market Warning

It has now been a year since stocks hit a new all-time high.

Hard to believe, but for all the gyrations and Central Bank interventions, the S&P 500 remains well below it all time high of 2130 established May 21 2015.

Why does this matter?

Because it greatly increases the odds of stocks entering a bear market.

As Jeff Hirsch noted late last week, going back to 1929, there were thirteen times that stocks failed to hit a new all-time high for a period of 12 months. 

Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Following the latest month abysmal trade and PMI data out of Japan overnight (April exports crashed -10.1 %, worse than the exp. -9.8 and worse than last month's -6.8% while imports plunged -23.3% also far worse than exp. -18.8 and March -14.9%; PMI 47.6, Exp. 48.3, last 48.2), it was supposed to be a straight up for the USDJPY, and its carry linked E-mini.

Suddenly Trump And Hillary Is All Goldman's Clients Want To Talk About

Suddenly Trump And Hillary Is All Goldman's Clients Want To Talk About

A little over a month ago, conventional wisdom (and overrated pundits) said that Trump has no chance of being the republican nominee. They were all wrong, but so was the market which continued to ignore the possibility of a Trump presidency until well after the fact. And, as always happens, now is when if not the market, then certainly Goldman's clients are finally trying to catch up. As Goldman strategist David Kostin (who just one week ago warned that there is now a substantial risk of a market drop ahead of the year end), writes "Politics is now a topic in every client discussion."
