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S&P 500

A Warning For The Bulls: Gartman Flops To "Net Bullish" 24 Hours Day After "Reducing Longs"

There was some confusion why the S&P 500 just had to close in the green yesterday. The answer was simple: as we reported first thing yesterday morning just two days after "world renowned" CNBC contributor Dennis Gartman said he was "covering shorts" because he was "stunningly, shockingly, stupidly wrong" he flopped and was reducing his longs. Ergo, green close. It also meant that there was virtually unlimited upside before the market.

Did Fed's Fischer Stop The Squeeze?

Did Fed's Fischer Stop The Squeeze?

With the S&P 500 trading back above 2,000, it appears The Fed needed to do something to tamp down the enthusiasm exhibited by this manic short squeeze. As Fed vice-chair unleashed the following: "We may be seeing the first stirrings of higher inflastion," the short-squeeze ended and everything reversed...


Killing the short squeeze...

Sending gold higher and stocks and crude lower...


As JPM Goes Short, Goldman Says "Never Better Time To Buy S&P Calls"

As JPM Goes Short, Goldman Says "Never Better Time To Buy S&P Calls"

Shortly after JPMorgan's historically correct forecasters unleashed their "short stocks" prognostication, we joked that if only Goldman would go "long" the S&P500, then the confusion about what is really going on would be eliminated instantly. And so the alarm bells on this bounce should be ringing loud and clear as Goldman just told its portfolio manager clients that "S&P 500 calls are more attractive now than at any time on record."

