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Gary Cohn: "The Fed Is Doing A Good Job"; Trump "Respects The Powers Of The Fed"

Former Goldman president, and current White House chief economic advisor - as well as the person who supposedly is engaged in a bitter fued with Peter Navarro over the shape of future US trade policy - Gary Cohn appeared on Fox News Sunday, and spoke at length to Chris Wallace about some of the key economic policy changes to be implemented.

Hedge Funds Covered The Most S&P Shorts Since The Election, Sold Most USDJPY In Three Years

Hedge Funds Covered The Most S&P Shorts Since The Election, Sold Most USDJPY In Three Years

Looking at the most recent CFTC Commitment of Traders report, BofA makes two notable observations ahead of what may be a volatile week between the Fed's 25bps rate hike announcement on Wednesday, just hours after the Dutch General Election, and on the same day as the US debt ceiling expiration hits.

"Who Hit The Brakes?" - Bank Loan Creation Suddenly Tumbles To Five Year Low

"Who Hit The Brakes?" - Bank Loan Creation Suddenly Tumbles To Five Year Low

While the overall economy appears to be humming along, at least according to the Fed which on Wednesday is expected (with 100% certainty according to the market) to hike rates by 25bps for the second time in three months on concerns it has fallen behind the inflationary curve, with last week's payrolls report providing some validation despite prevailing weakness within "hard data" in recent months offset by soaring "soft" sentiment reports, one area of material concern has emerged: a sudden collapse in loan growth in general, and the all important Commercial and Industrial Loan segment in p

Crude Breakdown could take stocks with it says Joe Friday

Crude Breakdown could take stocks with it says Joe Friday

When an asset takes out horizontal resistance to the upside, it is nice to see the old resistance tested as new support, before pushing higher.

The S&P 500 traded sideways for nearly 18-months, before breaking out to the upside and then testing old resistance as new support at (1) below. Once this support held, the S&P took off to the upside in short order.

