A Bad Moon Is Rising In America

Authord by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
Authord by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
On Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported an "Incident" had taken place involving a USAF F-22 over Syria which according to the Russians "actively prevented the Russian pair of Su-25 attack aircraft from carrying out a combat mission to destroy the Daesh stronghold in the suburbs of the city of Mayadin in the airspace over the western bank of the Euphrates River on November 23" with the The F-22 firing off heat flares and released brake shields with "permanent maneuvering, imitating an air battle" to which we said that in the apparent eagerness by the US to re-engage Russia, it is
A Russian interceptor was scrambled to stop a "rogue" US fighter jet from actively interfering with an anti-terrorist operation, the Russian Defense Ministry said, describing the latest close encounter between the US and Russian air force. It also accused the US of provoking close encounters with Russian jets in Syria.
Authored by Peter Korzun via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
From The Archive: MH-17
Paul Craig Roberts
Not long ago I wrote that every American institution, public and private, is corrupt. And every week Robert Parry’s reports prove the truth of my statement.