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War And Empire: The American Way Of Life

Authored by Paul Atwood via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

A few months ago I received a message from a professor at the Khomeini Institute for Education and  Research in Tehran, Iran, informing me that my 2010 book “War and Empire: The American Way of Life” (London, Pluto Press) had been translated into Farsi. He requested that I write an Introduction for Iranian readers. What follows is that Introduction. Two years ago the Xinhua Peoples’ Press in Beijing, China also published a translation in Mandarin.

Russia, Iran, Turkey Ban US Planes Above Syrian "Safe Zones"

Russia, Iran, Turkey Ban US Planes Above Syrian "Safe Zones"

Russia said it’s ready to send peacekeepers to Syria after Turkey and Iran agreed on Thursday to Russia's proposal for "de-escalation zones" in Syria. The move, welcomed by the United Nations, has been met with scepticism from the United States as the so-called safe-zones will closed for warplanes of the United States and those of the U.S.-led coalition.

Al-Jazeera Said To Film False Flag Chemical Attack Against Syrian Civilians

One month after Trump flip-flopped on his Syrian position, launching cruise missile strikes on a Syrian airfield as "after dinner entertainment" during Trump's meeting with the Chinese president, just days after declaring he would allow the Syrian people to decide the fate of Assad when another "chemical attack" video emerged at the end of March, a false flag chemical attack against civilians in Syria was reportedly filmed recently by al-Jazeera stringers in Syria.
