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Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Mattis: US To "Annihilate" Islamic State Caliphate, Civilian Casualties A "Fact Of Life"

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

US Defense Secretary James Mattis announced plans on Sunday to ‘Take Apart’ Islamic State Caliphate. Civilian casualties do not matter one bit.

The fight against Islamic State has shifted to “annihilation tactics” to stop potential terrorists who’ve flocked to places such as Iraq and Syria from returning to their home countries to wreak havoc, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Sunday.


Russia Expects China To Help Resolve Syrian Crisis, "Restore The Country"

Russia Expects China To Help Resolve Syrian Crisis, "Restore The Country"

Last summer, when the Syrian conflict was near its peak under the Obama administration, China unexpectedly warned it was ready to enter the proxy war when in a stunning announcement, Xinhua reported that Beijing was prepared to side with Syria - and Russia - and against the US-led alliance, and that Xi and Assad had agreed that the Chinese military will have closer ties with Syria and provide humanitarian aid to the civil war torn nation.

"We Have Told Each Other Everything" - Highlights From Macron's First Meeting With Putin

"We Have Told Each Other Everything" - Highlights From Macron's First Meeting With Putin

Just a few days after the young French president made headlines for his white-knuckled, "not innocent" handshake with Donald Trump, Russian president Vladimir Putin was prepared for his first meeting with Emanuel Macron, with the result captured on the following clip.

US On Track To Kill More Syrian Civilians Than Russia For 5th Straight Month

US On Track To Kill More Syrian Civilians Than Russia For 5th Straight Month

Coalition-led airstrikes in Syria killed a total of 225 civilians between April 23 and May 23, the highest 30-day death toll for U.S.-led forces since the campaign began, Agence France-Presse reported. That's nearly double the number of intended targets: The U.S.-led strikes killed 122 ISIS fighters and eight fighters loyal to the Syrian government, the report said.
