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Declaration Of War? Erdogan Says Turkish Forces Are In Syria To End Assad's Rule

Declaration Of War? Erdogan Says Turkish Forces Are In Syria To End Assad's Rule

Having stated in the past that the only reason Turkish forces are on Syrian soil is to combat Islamic State terrorists, today Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a dramatic diplomatic reversal and said that the Turkish Army has entered Syria to end the rule of President Bashar Assad, whom he accused of terrorism and causing the deaths of thousands.

Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

Assad On Verge Of Biggest Victory Since Start Of Syrian War With Imminent Capture Of Aleppo

The battle for one of the most contested Syrian cities in the nation's long-running civil war, Aleppo, is approaching its climax. According to Reuters, the Syrian army and its allies announced the capture of a large swath of eastern Aleppo from rebels on Monday - by some estimates as much as 40% of the militant held part - in an accelerating attack that threatens to crush the opposition in its most important urban stronghold.

American Missile Destroys Russian Tank In Syria

The Free Syrian Army have released footage of American troops firing a missile and destroying a Russian tank during recent fighting in Aleppo, Syria.  The militants say the footage shows an a rocket attack coming from an American TOW 2A on a Russian T-90 tank. reports: The footage was captured during recent fighting in Aleppo. Experts say that the tank in the photos is actually a T-72B, but the militants have claimed it is a T-90. At the time, the terrorists claimed that the tank was destroyed, but other bandits reported that the tank was hit but is still operating.
