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"Russia Did More 'Good' In 30 Days Than The US Did In A Year" - The Only Accredited Western Journalist In Damascus Speaks Up

"Russia Did More 'Good' In 30 Days Than The US Did In A Year" - The Only Accredited Western Journalist In Damascus Speaks Up

On behalf of Prensa Latina news agency, Miguel Fernandez was the only journalist from the Western world accredited to work in the Syrian capital of Damascus for nearly a year. After returning home to Havana, Fernandez gave Sputnik News an exclusive interview in which he reflects back on what he experienced in the war torn country.

Fernandez first gets into the single biggest lesson he learned, which is that the people of Syria don't give in, they don't stop pursuing the dream of having a prosperous country.

Our Snapchat Wars

One of the most popular apps these days is Snapchat. It allows the sender to set a timer for any photo dispatched via the app, so that a few seconds after the recipient opens the message, the photo is automatically deleted. The evidence of what you did at that party last night is seen and then disappears. POOF!

A Mideast Reality Check

Since the end of the Cold War, we’re had a lot of very instructive experience in the Middle East. Back in 2010, I compiled the real-time analyses I had made of our policies and their results in a book titled America’s Misadventures in the Middle East. The book holds up well as an explanation for the origins and evolution of most of our difficulties in the region. Unfortunately, both the situation in the Middle East and our position there have continued to deteriorate.

Washington's Military Addiction (And The Ruins Still To Come)

Submitted by Tom Engelhardt via,

There are the news stories that genuinely surprise you, and then there are the ones that you could write in your sleep before they happen. Let me concoct an example for you:

“Top American and European military leaders are weighing options to step up the fight against the Islamic State in the Mideast, including possibly sending more U.S. forces into Iraq, Syria, and Libya, just as Washington confirmed the second American combat casualty in Iraq in as many months.”

British Aid To Syria May Have Been Diverted To ISIS

Millions of pounds worth of British aid to  war stricken Syria may have ended up in the hands of ISIS, according to a Government report. The revelation was made in a December report by the Department for International Development (DFID), a British government institution responsible for administering foreign spending According to the Mail Online, the DFID admits that ‘the most serious risk’ to its programmes in the war-torn country is ‘from the large scale diversion of aid, including for the purposes of terrorism’.
