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Russian Weapons In Demand After Syria

Russian combat equipment used in Syria did have many drawbacks but the successful mission by the Russian Aerospace Troops has helped increase arms exports. During an annual televised Q&A session president Vladimir Putin vowed to examine the many drawbacks that had surfaced in the operation of Russian combat equipment in Syria. “I shall be honest, there are many of them. Everything is now carefully being examined by experts.“ Putin mentioned that demand for Russian weapons have increased worldwide forcing the opening of new manufacturing plants, putting Russia second behind the U.S.

Syrian Elections For Parliament Denounced By Assad’s Enemies

Syrians are heading to the polling stations to elect a new parliament as a new round of Syria peace talks kicks off in Geneva. President Assad’s opponents and Western powers have denounced the poll as illegitimate. The US has dismissed out of hand the Syrian poll to elect a new parliament saying it doesn’t reflect “the will of the people.” But in 2005 Washington welcomed voting in neighboring Iraq when the country was also gripped by war. RT reports: Voters on the territories occupied by terrorists can travel to the nearest polling station to cast their votes.

Obama Must Decide Endgame In Syria

President Barack Obama is meeting his top national security officials at the CIA today to come up with a plan to deprive the Islamic State in Syria of land and power. The endgame in Syria is approaching as the fragile peace talks continue. President Obama must decide to either have a military plan for the total defeat of ISIS in the region, thus giving Kurds more power and angering the Turks, or to maintain the current Status quo.

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In Fight Against ISIS

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In Fight Against ISIS

Several months ago, the US press and military had a field day with Donald Trump's suggestion to send the heavy equipment to Syria and Iraq and "carpet bomb" the Islamic State. In February, Army Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, who directs the coalition fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, butchered the idea and detailed why it's militarily unacceptable. "Indiscriminate bombing where we don't care if we are killing innocents or combatants is just inconsistent with our values," he said in response to a question from CNN on the possibility of using carpet bombing.

ISIS Uses Mustard Gas In Syria

ISIS have reportedly carried out a chemical attack using mustard gas at a Syrian military airport in eastern Syria, according to television reports on Monday.  “The terrorists fired rockets carrying mustard gas” and targeted an airbase in the south of Dayr al-Zawr city, Syria’s Ikhbariyah TV station have said. reports: The report did not disclose whether there were any casualties.
