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A Furious Turkey Says US Is "Acting Like An Enemy," Demands Washington Brand Kurds "Terrorists"

As you might have noticed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is about to lose his mind with the situation in Syria.

To be sure, the effort to usurp the Bashar al-Assad government wasn’t exactly going as planned in the first place. Regime change always takes time, but the conflict in Syria was dragging into its fifth year by the time the Russians got directly involved and although it did indeed look as though the SAA was on the verge of defeat, the future of the rebellion was far from certain.

Turkish Terrorist Attack In Ankara May Be False Flag

A March 2014 tape recording between former Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu and the chief of the Turkish intelligence (MIT) has been leaked in which the two officials discuss creating false flag event in Turkey to justify invading Syria.  A false flag event is one in which a covert operation, such as a ‘terrorist’ car bomb attack, is performed in such a way to appear as though it is being carried out by a group other than those who actually planned and executed it.

Hezbollah Leader: Turkey & Saudi Arabia Prefer War Over Peace In Syria

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon has said that Saudi Arabia and Turkey have ulterior motives for wanting to send troops to Syria. Nasrallah, the Secretary General of the Lebanese political and paramilitary organization Hezbollah, accuses the Turks and the Saudis of wanting to”gain a foothold in the country.” He claims that the terrorists in Syria are on a loosing streak and that their backers are driven by “hatred” for the Syrian regime, and the groups that support them.
