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Indians Have A Choice: Buy The iPhone 6S Or Pay For One Year Of Groceries

Indians Have A Choice: Buy The iPhone 6S Or Pay For One Year Of Groceries

As we noted first thing this morning, Mizuho downgraded Apple to neutral from buy, slashing its price target on the world’s largest company to $160 to $150 on the view that robust sales growth for the next product cycle has already been factored into the company's share price. Among other things in its report, Mizuho took a look at some of the company's key growth markets - notably India - to try and quantify the potential for sales growth in the coming years.

Tracking Hacking: Visualizing The World's Biggest Data Breaches

Tracking Hacking: Visualizing The World's Biggest Data Breaches

The graphic below shows a timeline of some of the biggest data breaches on record. As Visual Capitalist's Chris Matei notes, each bubble represents the number of records lost in any given breach, with the most sensitive data clustered toward the right side.

This data visualization comes to us from Information is Beautiful. Go to their site to see the highly-recommended interactive format that visualizes the same data, while providing additional details on each specific hack.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

