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Chinese Carmakers, Volkswagen, BMW Roll Out "Tesla Killers"

The much anticipated Tesla Model 3 has yet to be released and already a groundswell of electric car competition is forming to challenge Elon Musk's upcoming offering. Start in China, where the Model 3 is not due to arrive until next year, but already Chinese-funded, smart, connected plug-in car start-ups are scrambling to launch "Tesla killer" cars to go head-to-head against Tesla "mass market" sedan.

Facebook Responds To Murder Broadcast Live On Its Platform

Facebook has responded to reports that a Cleveland man, 37-year-old Steve Stephens, shot and killed an elderly man while broadcasting on the social media’s live platform.

“This is a horrific crime and we do not allow this kind of content on Facebook,” Facebook said in a statement issued to CNN. “We work hard to keep a safe environment on Facebook, and are in touch with law enforcement in emergencies when there are direct threats to physical safety.”

These Are America's Most Creative Cities

These Are America's Most Creative Cities

Much has been written about the role of the creative economy as a key indicator of economic health. As Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley writes, the “rise of the creative class” and “creative clusters” are concepts that inform the larger conversation on cities as the economic drivers of regions. As a result, everyone from academics to governments are increasingly looking for ways to measure the scope and size of the creative economy.

Facebook Scrambles to Shut Down Pro Le Pen Accounts Before Election

The first round of French elections will be held on April 23rd, prompting Facebook to shut down pro Le Pen accounts, which they deem to be 'fake.'

In an effort to fight 'fake news' or misinformation, Facebook has targeted 30,000 'fake accounts' in order to control the information that its users consume.

In a statement to AFP, the company said they were trying to "reduce the spread of material generated through inauthentic activity, including spam, misinformation, or other deceptive content that is often shared by creators of fake accounts."

Retail Sales Decline For Second Straight Month As Real Earnings Stagnate

Retail Sales Decline For Second Straight Month As Real Earnings Stagnate

For the second month in a row, retail sales declined in March as 'hard' data fails to live up to 'soft' data's hype. This is the biggest 2-month tumble in retail sales in over 2 years.



The full breakdown shows the biggest declines in building materials and motor vehicles.



This drop in sales should not be total surprise as real average weekly earnings has now failed to rise for 3 straight months.

