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Verizon Revises Yahoo Deal After Data Breaches, Cuts Purchase Price By $350 Million

While Verizon has decided not to back away from its high profile purchase of Yahoo, after the internet portal reported two massive data breaches following the deal announcement, the WSJ reports that The companies have agreed to revise the $4.83 billion deal, cutting as much as $350 million off the price and evenly splitting costs from the breaches.

Has NASA Found Evidence Of Life Beyond Our Solar System?

NASA announced that it is about to reveal a “major discovery about life outside of our solar system” this week. Some of the world’s leading voices on life beyond Earth will gather for a NASA press conference on Wednesday where a major announcement about life on exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than our sun, will be made. Exoplanets are the major hope for life elsewhere in the universe, as many have been found that resemble our own planet and could have the building blocks of life.  Exoplanets are widely believed to be the best hope of finding life elsewhere in the universe.

Trump’s Website Hacked, Defaced By Iraqi Hacker

President Trump has been hacked by an amateur hacker allegedly from Iraq. An Iraqi hacker hacked and defaced a server associated with presidential campaign fund-raising for Donald Trump. Hacker Pro_Mast3r, claiming to be from Iraq, targeted the server Sunday evening. According to Ars Technica, the hacker defaced the home page with a peace message.

Google Nation - Visualizing The World's Most Valuable Brands

Google Nation - Visualizing The World's Most Valuable Brands

The world’s most valuable brand is owned by a company that you likely interact with every day. In fact, you may have even gotten to this web page using it.

That brand is Google – and it dominates the internet with a 64% market share in search, while generating 41% of all digital advertising revenue globally. As Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, according to Brand Finance’s most recent 2017 list, Google’s brand value has recently increased to $109.5 billion, which is just enough to supplant Apple’s $107.1 billion brand from the top of the list.
