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After Move To Canada, Wayback Machine Launches Trump Video Library, Complete With "Fact Checks"

After Move To Canada, Wayback Machine Launches Trump Video Library, Complete With "Fact Checks"

Back in November we noted that the Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) had announced plans to move their servers to Canada out of fear of censorship under the new Trump administration, saying "on November 9th in America, we woke up to a new administration promising radical change."  The decision struck us as somewhat odd at the time given the website's seemingly innocuous content. 

Apple Removes NYT App In China After Pressure From Beijing

Apple Removes NYT App In China After Pressure From Beijing

In what may be the latest crackdown on "fake news", but is likely just China stifling even more contrarian voices, overnight Apple removed the New York Times English- and Chinese-language news apps from its iTunes store in China as a result of a "request" from the local authorities, the companies said separately on Thursday. The apps, which the newspaper said were removed on Dec. 23, are the latest Western services to fall foul of Chinese authorities, whose other scalps include Apple's own iBooks and iTunes Movies stores which have been blocked since April.
