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FBI Can Now Legally Hack Your Phone, PC, Or Any Device

As of December 1st, the FBI and other agencies can a obtain warrant from a judge that will allow them to remotely control any of your devices, opening up enormous potential for abuse by those in power. While the mainstream media stokes fear about Trump’s potential for corruption, the fact is, this strategy has already been snuck into law behind the people’s backs – and will be in the hands of anyone in the future. How much do you trust the government and three letter agencies with your devices?

The Role Of Technology In Limiting Privilege And Bias

The Role Of Technology In Limiting Privilege And Bias

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Technology cannot eliminate human bias or poor decisions, but it has the potential to eliminate systemic bias and privilege.

Technological skills are often viewed as the dividing line between globalization's "winners" and "Losers." Those with high technology skills tend to be paid considerably more than those with lower skills, and have more opportunities to advance.

Gaza Teen Uses Candle Heat To Generate Electricity

A sixteen year old girl in Gaza has discovered a way to overcome chronic power shortages, by constructing a device that can generate electricity from the heat of candles. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA ) said that electricity blackouts were triggered when the Gaza Power Plant (GPP) shut down completely in April, having exhausted its fuel reserves due to a shortage of funds. The OCHA said that the blackouts lasted for 18-30 hours a day.
