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China Says It Welcomes Western ‘Fake News’ Clampdown

China has welcomed the news that internet giants are clamping down on ‘fake news’, and have offered advice on how to implement internet censorship. Chinese officials claims that the latest fake news crisis is a justification for Western governments to follow China’s lead on punishing publishers online with far more punitive measures that the ones currently being discussed. reports: Ren Xianling, No.2 at the Cyberspace Administration of China, said internet users posting false stories should be punished.

NASA: Astronauts Witness “Flashing Lights” Approaching The Moon

NASA have told documentary makers that every single astronaut that has taken a lunar mission since 1969 has witnessed strange “flashing lights” when approaching the moon.  A new documentary by the Science Channel claims that mysterious flashes are witnessed by astronauts on the approach to the moon, whether their eyes are closed or not.

Russian Scientists Create Technology To Transmute Known Elements

Russian Scientists have created a technology that would make it possible to transmute any element from the periodic table into another. Ancient Code reports: The discovery was produced by two Russian theoretical and experimental scientists who according to reports,  were trying to figure out how to fuel a spacecraft using any element found in space. During the press conference, Researcher Vladislav Karabanov stated: Today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery and a technology which without any exaggeration could be of historic significance.

Elon Musk To Launch 4,425 Satellites Into Space

SpaceX Founder Elon Musk has requested permission from the U.S. government to launch thousands of satellites into space in order to beam high-speed Internet down to earth.  The tech billionaire is competing against the likes of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to become the first person to bring cheap Internet connectivity to unconnected parts of the world via wireless devices, drones, high-altitude beams, and laser beams. reports: Private rocket launch service SpaceX has asked the U.S.
