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NASA: Astronauts Witness “Flashing Lights” Approaching The Moon

NASA have told documentary makers that every single astronaut that has taken a lunar mission since 1969 has witnessed strange “flashing lights” when approaching the moon.  A new documentary by the Science Channel claims that mysterious flashes are witnessed by astronauts on the approach to the moon, whether their eyes are closed or not. reports: On the Science Channel’s show Nasa’s Unexplained Files, it was explained: “Several of the Apollo astronauts reported seeing something strange as they approached the Moon.” One astronaut, Alan Bean, said: “I saw a flash and I thought ‘did I really see a flash?” Another, Charles Duke, explained: “I’m having these light flashes. I’m seeing this, like, light flashing in my eyeballs. “It was like fireworks in your eyeballs. It was spectacular.” Strangely, the men were seeing the flashes when their eyes were open and when they were closed. On Moon missions, the lights were reported as being white. On other missions, different coloured lights – such as blue or yellow – were observed. More worryingly, the astronauts continued to see the flashes when they returned home from space under various light conditions. So what is it? Scientists believed that the strange flashes were being called [...]

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