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Peak Autos? - Increasing Light Vehicle Useful Life Is Disastrous For Auto OEMs

IHS Markit today released their annual study on the average age of light vehicles registered in the U.S..  As expected, the average fleet age continues to tick up and currently stands at 11.6 years.  While this may be great news for consumers, higher quality and longer useful lives can have a detrimental impact on annual auto sales.

“Quality of new vehicles continues to be a key driver of the rising average vehicle age over time,” Mark Seng, global automotive aftermarket practice director at IHS Markit, said in a statement.


Mysterious Large Blue Sphere Captured By NASA Cameras

Scientists and conspiracy theorists alike were left mystified after NASA cameras picked up a mysterious blue spherical object zooming past the Sun on November 17th Taken from NASA’s STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) satellites which orbits the Sun, the images show the large sphere in clear view, before going missing from other frames. In response to much online speculation about the blue sphere, NASA said while there is a coronal hole on the surface of the sun at the moment, it was not captured in the images.

Is The US Next: Facebook "Quietly" Develops Censorship Tool In Chinese Market Push

In what is surely a mere coincidence, at the same time as Facebook has been embroiled in a scandal involving the dissemination of "election tipping" stories, which prompted Zuckerberg to release a 7-point plan to eradicate "fake news" and which many conservatives believe is a preamble toward wholesale banning of so-called "fake news" websites (as arbitrarily defined by an ultra-liberal,  Trump-bashing "professor") by the social networks (when ironically, Wikileaks revealed that Google was actively engaged in developing a "strategic plan" to help the Democrats win the election and t

China Says It Welcomes Western ‘Fake News’ Clampdown

China has welcomed the news that internet giants are clamping down on ‘fake news’, and have offered advice on how to implement internet censorship. Chinese officials claims that the latest fake news crisis is a justification for Western governments to follow China’s lead on punishing publishers online with far more punitive measures that the ones currently being discussed. reports: Ren Xianling, No.2 at the Cyberspace Administration of China, said internet users posting false stories should be punished.
