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Strange Sky Noises Spark Panic In Germany

Strange sky noises were reported in the town of Schwabing, Germany last week, causing panic amongst residents who described the sounds as “loud as a helicopter”. According to one resident, “the noise was so that loud I telephoned my neighbors, we did not know what it was “. reports: He was searching the Internet for possible clues. And found it. Someone had created a video on You Tube and posted it online. It gave exactly the strange noise and showed a cloud – the cloud is however only seen with a lot of imagination.

Queen Announces Age Verification For Porn Sites

All websites containing pornographic material will be forced to verify that their users are over 18 the government has confirmed in the Queen’s speech. The measure is to reduce the chances of children accessing disturbing pornographic images. But critics say that the proposal sets a “dangerous precedent” for internet access, and that porn will be the first casualty along a more widespread curb on privacy and freedom. Wired reports: The forthcoming Digital Economy Bill will argue that all sites containing any pornographic material must be hidden unless a user can prove they are over 18.

Origami Robot Can Crawl Inside Stomach And Treat Injuries

The days of waiting for a swallowed item to pass through the body may soon be gone thanks to a tiny, foldable, ingestible, origami robot. A team of researchers from the University of Sheffield, Tokyo Institute of Technology and MIT have created a tiny origami robot that can be steered inside the digestive tract to remove foreign objects or treat internal wounds. Slash Gear reports: Once in the stomach, that capsule dissolves and the robot unfolds itself and can then be steered by an external magnetic field to a specific location inside the stomach where it can treat injuries.
