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You’ll Soon Be Able To Log In Using The Sound Of Your Skull

Forget old fashioned passwords, fingerprint sensors or even iris scanners, biometric security has something new in the pipeline…the sound of your skull. Yes, you will soon be able to login with your noggin! Researchers at the University of Stuttgart, the University of Saarland and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany have come up with a new alternative for password entry, by listening to the unique sound of the skull.

Hacker Rewarded For Findng A Hack On Facebook Server

A professional hacker was rewarded by Facebook for finding a security vulnerability on one of their servers that stole the usernames and passwords of staff members. A paid hacker made his way into a Facebook server only to find out that it was already hacked by another paid hacker, who had installed malware, siphoning off usernames and passwords to a remote computer. The hacker was rewarded $10,000 and his talents were appreciated by the world’s largest social network.

Towards A 'Google World Order'?

Towards A 'Google World Order'?

Submitted by InsideSources via,

Government watchdogs and outside experts have long warned that Google had unprecedented and unfiltered access to the Obama White House, which has been a major beneficiary of Google’s massive campaign coffers.

Now, for the first time, two key parts of that entangled relationship, the extensive White House visits and revolving door between Google and the Obama administration, have been documented by the Campaign for Accountability and the Intercept, an investigative news outlet.
