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Two Comets Will Come “Dangerously Close” To Earth On Monday

Next week the Earth will experience one of the closest encounters ever recorded with two passing comet’s that scientists claim will fly “dangerously close” to the planet.  Two twin emerald comets are due to fly past Earth starting on Monday March 21, followed by its sibling the next day. reports: Nasa astronomers say these two objects will come ‘remarkably close,’ with the latter comet approaching 2.2 million miles from Earth, the third closest flyby in recorded history. The first comet to pass by is known as 252P/LINEAR.

Video: Geoengineering And The Legalization Agenda

In the video below Michael J. Murphy discusses geoengineering, the plans to legalize it, how the climate change agenda relates to agenda 21 and our loss of freedoms. Murphy is the Director and Producer best know for “WHAT in the world are they spraying?“and “WHY in the world are they spraying?“ This information is very important in moving forward with efforts to stop geoegineering. Youtube video by Truthmediaproduction

The UN Is Planning To Biometrically Track Everyone

The United Nations has announced a plan to track all citizens wherever they maybe on the planet, biometrically Biometric identification is the means by which a person can be uniquely ‘verified’ by evaluating one or more of their biological traits The UN want to collect and store data about our facial features, fingerprints, iris codes, DNA and anything else that might help them to identify each one of us individually.

Is Google Scared Of Boston Dynamics’ Robots? May Sell Company

Boston Dynamics, the robot and military artificial intelligence creator that has made waves over the past two years due to its release of videos depicting more and more advanced robots. Some of the more recent videos had people comparing the Google-owned company to “abusing” the robots in their films, which, some joked, would lead to a “robot rebellion” a la “Terminator”.

Frightening New Video Shows Insect Robot Fly, Walk, And Crawl

Alpha Go, a Google company has released video of an extremely versatile insect robot that can do most things any real flying insect can do. C|NET reports about the new creepy-crawly robot: Not can the robot only fly, being propelled in the air by quadrotor helicopters, it can also land on a vertical wall then climb up it using spiny feet. When it slips a little, it can adjust on the fly. It’s called the Stanford Climbing and Aerial Maneuvering Platform, or SCAMP, and it combines lessons learned from previous machines built at the university’s Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab.
