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CERN Wants Artists To Live At LHC Full Time – Merging Science & Art

In yet another addition to the long, long list of bizarre things happening at CERN and it’s Large Hadron Collider facility in Switzerland, where scientists are in search of things like the “God particle”, the researchers at the facility are producing “small” black holes in order to find their elusive particles. This is the same thing that Stephen Hawking famously said could wipe out our planet forever.

Japan Unveils First Electric Car That Doesn’t Need A Battery

Japan’s Toyohashi University of Technology and Taisei Corp have unveiled what they say is the worlds first electric car that can run without a battery. The new vehicle can only run on electrified roads as it uses special tyres that draw power from the road surface. RT reports: The unveiling on Friday was in the form of a test drive in Toyohashi, in the Aichi Prefecture. The small vehicle moved over the electrified surface, which had two rail-like steel paths spaced to match the car’s special tires. The charge is derived from steel wires embedded in them, which serve as a conduit.

Amazing NASA Video Shows Solar Eclipse On Earth From Space

The recent solar eclipse was a fascinating event that many people around the planet observed from the ground. However, NASA has recently released an incredible view of the eclipse blacking out a portion of Earth as viewed from space as reported by GeoBeats News: On March 9, the moon passed before the sun, creating full solar eclipse. While many watched the crossing of the celestial bodies from the ground, the Deep Space Climate Observatory, or DSCOVR, was watching from above. NASA has put together a video showing what the event looked like from space.

U.S. Dollar Index - Is Rising Inflation The Fed`s Nightmare Scenario (Video)

U.S. Dollar Index - Is Rising Inflation The Fed`s Nightmare Scenario (Video)

By EconMatters

Is a rising inflation problem going to force the Fed`s hand into raising interest rates faster than the financial markets currently have priced in with many asset classes from bonds, the U.S. Dollar, and equities.

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US Navy Patent Provides Stealth Using Quantum Entanglement

The U.S. government is to patent a new quantum photonic imaging device that will detect anything underwater while providing unprecedented stealth for its submarines. Currently, submarines travelling through Arctic waters have to use gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the motion and rotation of the vehicle in order to estimate the current position, orientation and velocity of another submarine – as GPS signals are unable to reach underwater.
