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WhatsApp Removing App From A Number Of Smartphones

The popular and free WhatsApp messaging service is pulling its support on a number of smartphones later on in the year. Fans of the growing instant messaging client need to upgrade their phones to Apple or the latest generation of smartphones and operating systems. Daily Star Sunday reports: From the end of 2016 WhatsApp won’t work on Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian S60, Android 2.1 and Android 2.2 and Windows Phone 7.1. But perhaps the biggest news is that WhatsApp will no longer work on Blackberry devices, including BlackBerry 10.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Always Use Your Cell Phone

In today’s society almost everybody is glued to their phone almost all day and in every situation, and with a staggering six billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide the number is steadily growing.  People are constantly checking their notifications from emails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms, as well as sending and receiving text messages and making phone calls. Children are being enticed to use their cell phones more and more with the advent of apps for gaming.

McAfee: NSA Back Door Gives Top Secret Info To Terrorists

The NSA’s obsession with planting backdoors on various operating systems, mobile phones, computer systems, and government networks has left the U.S. wide open for terrorists and spies to obtain top-secret information, American computer programmer John McAfee claims.  According to McAfee Middle Eastern terrorist organizations, the Chinese, and the Russians have already obtained very sensitive data from U.S. government computers due to the NSA’s exploits of security systems designed to keep those very enemies out.
