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This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Always Use Your Cell Phone

In today’s society almost everybody is glued to their phone almost all day and in every situation, and with a staggering six billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide the number is steadily growing.  People are constantly checking their notifications from emails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms, as well as sending and receiving text messages and making phone calls. Children are being enticed to use their cell phones more and more with the advent of apps for gaming. With cell phones emitting low-levels of radiation, here’s what happens to your body with excessive long-term use: reports: According to a study performed at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, participants felt negative feelings toward the person they were having a conversation with when a cell phone was visible. Researchers asked 34 different pairs of strangers to discuss both minor topics and important personal events that occurred in their lives. Half of the participants had a mobile device present while the others had a notebook out on the table. The results showed that the people who discussed serious events in their lives with a notebook visible felt trusting and close to the stranger, unlike those who had a cell phone present. This [...]