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YouTube Puts Bogus Age Restriction on Andrew Napolitano and James Bovard Discussion Challenging the January 6 Insurrection Narrative

YouTube or its owner Google sure seems keen on preventing people from learning about holes in the “insurrection” narrative being pushed by big money media and many politicians from President Joe Biden on down regarding protest and riot activity at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Legal commentator Andrew Napolitano, who is an Advisory Board member for the Ron Paul Institute, posted Tuesday at YouTube an episode of his show Judging Freedom titled “The FBI's possible role in the Jan.

More on Apple & Easter

More on Apple & Easter

Reader Richard sends this information:

Apple Calendar Settings

The newest versions of the iOS, at least for the iPhone, no longer
have an Alternate Calendar option for “Christian”. They offer Chinese,
Hebrew & Islamic. You can see this by going to Settings > Calendar >
Alternate Calendars. This is for people who want to add addional
holidays to the default calendar. They used to have a Christian
version. So this definitely falls under “deChrisitanization.”
