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Meet The Israeli Cyber-Weapons Dealer Paid Millions By Governments To Hack Our Phones

Meet The Israeli Cyber-Weapons Dealer Paid Millions By Governments To Hack Our Phones

A seven-year-old Israeli firm founded by three veterans of Israel's military intelligence unit is raking in millions selling CIA-tier hacking software to governments around the world. With over 200 employees, a sales arm in Bethesda, Maryland, and a long list of clients identified by watchdogs which have dubious civil rights records, the NSO Group - owned by U.S.-based Francisco Partners, charges $500,000 plus $65K per phone to completely hack and infiltrate a device with their flagship "Pegasus" software suite. 

Omar Lavie, co-founder of NSO group

3D-Printed Suicide-Machines Will Usher In a Silent Genocide

3D-Printed Suicide-Machines Will Usher In a Silent Genocide

A new controversial 3d-printed killing machine called ‘Sarco’ has been released by Exit International, an organization that advocates “every adult of sound mind has the right to implement plans for the end of their life so that their death is reliable, peaceful and at a time of their choosing.”

The high-tech ‘suicide machine’ is a capsule and comes with a detachable coffin, which the organization claims the process of suicide is streamlined.

Skynet Looms: Breakthrough Artificial Muscle Can Lift 1000x Its Own Weight

Skynet Looms: Breakthrough Artificial Muscle Can Lift 1000x Its Own Weight

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University have created inexpensive, artificial muscles that enable robots to lift 1,000 times their weight. The project was financed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Science Foundation and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Scientists describe the soft-robotic breakthrough as a ‘fluid-driven origami inspired artificial muscle’.
