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Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Tech Vs. Trump: The Great Battle Of Our Time Has Begun

Authored by Niall Ferguson via The Spectator,

Social media helped Donald Trump take the White House. Silicon Valley won’t let it happen again...

In the 1962 Japanese sci-fi classic King Kong vs Godzilla, the two giant monsters fight to a stalemate atop Mount Fuji. I have been wondering for some time when the two giants of American social media would square up for what promises to be a comparably brutal battle. Finally, it began last month - and where else but on Twitter?

Did Morgan Stanley Buy Millions Of Fake YouTube Views?

Did Morgan Stanley Buy Millions Of Fake YouTube Views?


Well, it seems fake news or just ‘fake’ in general is not limited to Wall Street. No, I’m not talking about the Dow Jones headline of Google planning to buy Apple for $9 billion. I’m talking about Morgan Stanley buying millions of fake viewers on Youtube to artificial build a social media platform.

Glancing at MS’s Youtube page, you will first notice 4,800 subscribers, and over a two week period an average of <100 views per video. 
