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Google Is Using Hot Air Balloons To Restore Cell Service In Puerto Rico

Google Is Using Hot Air Balloons To Restore Cell Service In Puerto Rico

While Elon Musk is pretending that he can rebuild Puerto Rico’s power grid with solar-powered batteries, Google wants to deliver cell phone service using balloons.

Alphabet Inc., Google’s corporate parent, received permission on Friday from the FCC to begin providing emergency cellular service to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico using balloons. The effort appears to be a dry run for Google X’s “Project Loon” moonshot program, which ultimately aims to beam internet across the world using high-altitude balloons.

Deleted video restored to YouTube

A reader sent me the YouTube video under a different URL. It is the video removed from YouTube to which my article linked showing what seems to be crisis actors carrying people into a hospital. It seems someone put the video up again. Here is the address:

Don’t know if it will still be up by the time you see this notice.

I am not telling you what to see, only what I see. You make up your own mind. As I have emphasized, I do not know what happened.

A Robot Pizza-Making Company Is Silicon Valley's Latest Obsession

A Robot Pizza-Making Company Is Silicon Valley's Latest Obsession

Zume Pizza, a Silicon Valley-based storeless food delivery startup targeting the San Francisco Bay Area which uses robots to bake its pies, has secured a $48 million investment in its latest VC funding round according to Axios. The company, which uses proprietary trucks to deliver robot-made fresh pizzas to Palo Alto, Stanford and Mountain View, and claims to have pioneered a robot-assisted technique for pressing pizza dough in a perfect circle in just nine seconds, previously raised over $23 million from AME Cloud Ventures, Maveron, SignalFire, and Kortschak Investments.

YouTube "Tweaks" Its Search Algos After Las Vegas Conspiracy Theories Go Viral

YouTube "Tweaks" Its Search Algos After Las Vegas Conspiracy Theories Go Viral

In Silicon Valley's ongoing crusade to make sure that you only consume mainstream media propaganda, you know because $100,000 worth of Facebook ads crushed Hillary's campaign and changed the course of human history forever, YouTube has joined the likes of Facebook and Twitter in saying that it will promote more "authoritative sources in search results" going forward.  All of which, once again, begs the question of who gets to determine who is an "authoritative source?"
