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Elon Musk Isn't Alone: Vladimir Putin Asks "How Long Before The Robots Eat Us"

Elon Musk Isn't Alone: Vladimir Putin Asks "How Long Before The Robots Eat Us"

Elon Musk isn’t the only one whose afraid that advances in artificial intelligence will leads to something akin to the creation of Skynet.

The Daily Mail is reporting that Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed reservations about artificial intelligence, even asking the head of Russia's largest tech firm 'how long do we have before the robots eat us'?

It's Not Just China: No Lines For New iPhone 8 Virtually Anywhere

It's Not Just China: No Lines For New iPhone 8 Virtually Anywhere

Earlier we showed that in a striking lack of enthusiasm for Apple's latest offering, the iPhone 8 which went on sale today, there were just two people in "line" in front of an Apple store in China: less than the security guards at the same location.

Unfortunately for Tim Cook, it appears that it was not just China as the entire world appears to have gotten collective cold feet when it comes to Apple's newest gizmo,  because while Apple Stores are usually faced with shockingly long lines on the morning of a new iPhone launch, that wasn't the case today. Anywhere.

"This Is Embarrassing": 2 People Show Up For iPhone 8 Launch in China

Confirming reports that reception for Apple's newly launched iPhone 8 may be "underwhelming" to put it lightly, as the phone provides little if any material improvement over its lower-priced predecessor even as sales for hardcore fans will be cannibalized by the iPhone X, is the following report from Hangzhou, China which shows that all of 2 people were waiting in line for the latest gizmo from Tim Cook.

As Chinese media reports, summarized by David Kersten, "note the barricades for the anticipated queue...

... that had to be put away because only 2 people showed up."
