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Kalashnikov Unveils New Anti-Drone Weapon

Kalashnikov Unveils New Anti-Drone Weapon

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

While most western countries are reverting back to medieval technology to combat the use of drones, legendary Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov, makers of the AK series, has developed an advanced anti-drone gun.

Drones are now becoming more widely available, therefore, anti-drone technology is becoming a major field in the defense industry.

"Yes, Google Uses Its Power to Quash Ideas It Doesn't Like - I Know Because It Happened To Me"

"Yes, Google Uses Its Power to Quash Ideas It Doesn't Like - I Know Because It Happened To Me"

Authored by Kashmir Hill via,

The story in the New York Times this week was unsettling: The New America Foundation, a major think tank, was getting rid of one of its teams of scholars, the Open Markets group. New America had warned its leader Barry Lynn that he was “imperiling the institution,” the Times reported, after he and his group had repeatedly criticized Google, a major funder of the think tank, for its market dominance.

Who Leads The Autonomous Driving Patent Race? (Spoiler Alert: Not Who You Think)

Who Leads The Autonomous Driving Patent Race? (Spoiler Alert: Not Who You Think)

These days the broad consensus on the future of driving seems to be that the car of tomorrow will be (at least partly) autonomous. Many companies, including traditional car makers, suppliers and leading tech companies are currently working on self-driving technology, all eager to save themselves a piece of what they reckon will be an enormous pie.
