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Sticker Shock: Small Hedge Funds Seen Ditching I-Banking Research Under MiFID

Sticker Shock: Small Hedge Funds Seen Ditching I-Banking Research Under MiFID

For the past several months we've discussed many theories about how the new MiFID II rules in Europe might drastically change the investment banking research business model.  For those who haven't followed this narrative, MiFID II is a new set of regulations in Europe that requires investment banks to charge separately for research as opposed to just lumping it into an asset manager's trading fees. 

Here are a couple of our thoughts/predictions:

And The Nation That 'Cannot Live Without The Internet' The Most Is...

And The Nation That 'Cannot Live Without The Internet' The Most Is...

Have you ever thought about what life would be like without the internet?

Given the volume of time people spend immersed in their smartphones, iPads and laptops, an unconnected life is pretty hard to imagine these days. For the majority of millennials, the time before the world wide web is now nothing more than a distant memory, a memory that's been eviscerated by the ubiquity and life-changing impact of connected technology.

Researchers Announce Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Researchers Announce Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Authored by Irina Slave via,

For years nuclear fusion was the stuff of sci-fi books and movies, but technology has brought it, like so many other things, closer to reality. So close, in fact, that there are plans to build the first nuclear fusion reactor by 2025 - a reactor that could yield a lot more energy than is fed into it and provide vast amounts of clean, sustainable energy.
