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Visualizing The Diversity Of The Tech Industry

Visualizing The Diversity Of The Tech Industry

With the recent leak of the “Google Manifesto” and the maelstrom of media backlash that followed, Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes that it seems that concerns around diversity in the technology industry have finally reached a boiling point.

Today’s infographic from Information is Beautiful breaks down the demographics of 23 major tech companies, based on statistics from 2016. It also provides comparisons to the composition of the U.S. population in general, the top 50 U.S. companies, Congress, and Fortune 500 CEOs.

Is Ethereum About To Unseat Amazon Cloud?

Is Ethereum About To Unseat Amazon Cloud?

Ethereum investors have been eagerly awaiting more news about the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, the enterprise platform that’s supposed to transform Ethereum into the Amazon Web Services (AWS) of the future. The announcement of the co-venture between several of the largest US tech companies coincided with the beginning of a massive runup in the value of Ethereum. Some have speculated that enabling the Ethereum network to process a million transactions a second could potentially boost the value of ether tokens past $2,000 a coin. They’re currently trading at $290.

Error 404: Visualizing The Internet's Digital Decay

Error 404: Visualizing The Internet's Digital Decay

In 2005, one of the most intriguing advertising stunts of the internet age was hatched.

As Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley explains, Alex Tew launched the The Million Dollar Homepage, where anyone could “own a piece of internet history” by purchasing pixels-plots (minimum of 10×10) on a massive digital canvas. At the price of just one dollar per pixel, everyone from individual internet users to well-known companies like Yahoo! raced to claim a space on the giant digital canvas.

Bitcoin Spikes Over $3800 As Institutional Investor Interest Soars

Bitcoin Spikes Over $3800 As Institutional Investor Interest Soars

Bitcoin is now up over 45% since the fork on August 1st, notably spiking this week (to a record high over $3800) as US-North Korea tensions escalated and both Fidelity (retail) and Goldman (institutional) noted investor interest in cryptocurrencies is soaring.

Fidelity announced Wednesday that it started allowing clients to view bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on its website, a rare move for an established institution.

Russia Launches $100 Million Bitcoin-Mining Operation

Russia Launches $100 Million Bitcoin-Mining Operation

In what some have called a “watershed” moment for bitcoin, Bloomberg reports that a company co-owned by an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to expand Russia’s bitcoin-mining industry, leveraging Russia's cheap energy to rival China as the world’s largest mining market.

The company, known as Russian Miner Coin, or RMC, is seeking to raise $100 million in an initial coin offering, promising buyers a right to 18% of the company’s mining revenue, according to a presentation cited by Bloomberg.
